Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Isizwe yisizwe ngamasiko aso.

Isizwe esingasiqgajiyo siyafa siphele. Ngaso sonke isikhathi abantu bafanele bazihlole ukuthi bangabantu ngandlela bani. Sifanele siqhubele phambili lokhu esikutholileyo kulabo abaphambi kwethu okuyibuntu lamasiko ethu ngoba alubasingenzinjalo sifana labafileyo. Sonke silenxenye esingayenza ekuthuthukiseni okwakithi ingabe ngayiphi indlela.

Ngumlandu esimele siwamukele njalo siwugogose ngoba ekucineni siyilokhu esiyikhokhona ngenxa balabo abahambe emuva kwethu. Umlandu ukomdala lomncinyane ikakhulu ngalesisikhathi sokusakazeka kwabantu kulengozi enkulu yokulibala siphaphama isikhathi sesdlule. Mahlabezulu ubulembu busiphe ithuba elihle lokuthungela ndawonye ubuntu bethu lanxa singekho eduze omunye komunye.

Wena uzakwenzani Dube , Ndlovu, Sibanda, Ncube , Moyo, Khumalo lawe Nyathi? Isikhati yisoleso Ibhoso sesiyibukela ebulenjini ngokunjalo qaphela. Nansi inkundla yakho isintu sithu Injobo enhle yethulwa ebandla.Thina sibusisiwe ngoba siyisizwe esikhethiweyo asingehlalele izandla simele siphatheke ekwakheni Umthwakazi.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Of witchcraft and witch hunting

Do you think witchcraft exist or its old fashioned belief ? We love to hear you opinions.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thought fot the day.

I have a dream that one day the rivers and valleys shall be level' Dr Martin Luther King.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Physical health matters.

Only in America do people have overweight problem than else. Life here spolis, we never walk long like we do back home. We do not even do much physical work. The longer we stay here the more we adjust to American life and system. Obesity is the biggest problem here among other health isues most of which are related to the food and lack of exercise. i have seen few brothers and sister who are from the motherland negleting their own health. Overweight.

By any other name health is a corncern to America as a whole, the news and t.v. shows all broadcast and encourage people to good health day in and day out. Being immigrants we tend to neglet our health in many ways sometimes not deliberately but in pure innocence and ignorance. Many a time most of us cannot afford health insurance be it physical or dental. If by chance our job offers of such most of the time we do not have time to go for checkups and things like that. We are always waiting for a better day yet until we know for sure that we are sick or someting like that.

We are the hardest working people to feed ourselves and relatives back home therefore we cannot afford extras that inlcudes our own wellbeing. The burden on our" shoulders" does not allow us to restor get sick. We do not even tack vacations or leave days even though we may have them on our benefits , we rather tack money. We are waiting for a better day. Even when we are sick we do not have anyone to tell or rather we keep it to our selves. We want to look strong and we work double shifts and overtime and we come home to tired and without time to rest and let alone cook. We resort to fast foods and eat all the cabohydrates and fats junk foods.

We live for that day yet back home we have huge investments, big houses , tracks name them but here we have no life nor break at all.We know what we should do but we cannot create ime for it. Simple we are slaves to the US $ and we do not have enough for ourselves because there are so mnay pproblems back home, deaths, sicknesses, school fees, name them they all needs our input. soon we forget about ourselves as we handle the problems of other in our families and friends back home. We love the motherl but we cannot afford to live, if by chance we are priviledged we can only visit home for afew days. I cannot count the money we use to buy phone cards. Huh that is a on its stress own wonder if we will cash them back someday.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"Never again"

It was at the height and climax of the struggle of apartheid when the leader of the new South Africa shouted "Never again shall one be oppressed by another". The man Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela having spent his life fighting for the freedom of the African people who for decades and years lived under oppression and segeregation. It seems tyo me that Africa now is worse than what it used to be at that moment. The songs of freedom Senzeni thina or Senzeni thina still tells the full story whenever I hear them from the movies or compact discs. They say never say never and the exemplary leader and visionary must not have thought this would happen soon if he ever thought it would in his lifetime

To this day the wounds of the past still hounts the black South Africa. I could not have written this one not till I saw the movie "My country" supposedly an old movie about the truth and reconciliation times in South Africa. Among the actors is Samuel Jackson a famous American actor and a renowned African American icon.There are times which I was a great writer and orator, this is one of them. I would write about the struggles and sorrows of people in Soweto, I would chronicle the liberation of Zimbabwe I would publish the Atrocities of Robert Mugabe regime in the early eighties I would put in details the suffering of people in Rwanda. The genocide that the world watched and ignored. I would write about the civil war in Liberia, Seira leone , the genocide or ethinic cleansing in Dufur region. This in just to mention a few.

The spirit that liberated Africa or rather the flame has died down. It seems to that in no time we have come back to where we began. After the remarkable freedom of South Africa our own neighbour we Zimbabweans have are suddenly suffering as well. Never again were the words of the freedom fighter and liberator Cde and father of South Africa Nelson Mandela. Indeed not one could have known or at least imagined this would happen in our own backyard. Earlier own I called the rise of ttrue and courageous leadership to arise. Tata,s generation has done its job for many decades. Our won generation must not keep quit, our own generation must not rest because the job is not yet finished. The struggle continues. we must take from where they left. We must never lose focus and never be detared.

The hour calls us to work. We need not to turn a blind eye to the suffering of our neighbours. In a parable our Lord Jesus us them "Whose your neighbour? He talks about a man who was headed to Jericho from Jerusalem and was mugged by thieves along the way. Among those who passed were a priest , and finally came a Samaritan and he rescued the man and offered him food and logging at his own expence. It is said that when good people keep silent evil rejoices. Too many good people are silent and Zimbabwe is on fire. South Africa itself knowing first hand must never pretend like its doing something when its not. I would like to suggest that the ANC needs a fresh breed of leaders with passion and vision for the people. I suggest that Zimbabwe needs couragious and uncorrupted young men and women to save the people and the country at large.

"Aluta continua" The struggle continues. Senzeni na? Southern Africa must wake up to face its challengies before its too late. We must be our brother,s keeper. We must be good neighbours. We must never let our brothers and sisters suffer under oppresion again. We must make a committement.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Day of Small beginnings.

My of my longtime friends Nickson Sibanda instilled this saying on me a long time ago "Do not despise the day of small beginnings" This to me sums the three day conference. or summer camp held by BIC church members in Indianapolis this past weekend. At least 80 or more people managed to converge at the Jameson. There were some from Texas , Alabama , Georgia, Minnesota, Washington DC, Seattle , Chicago, Kentucky as well as the locals. Two ladies came all the way from the United Kingdom and Pastor A Ndlovu from Zimbabwe. Mfundis Ndlovu was the evangelist.

The camp marked the beginning of a new era among Brethren in Christ members abroad. The need and importance of helping mission work as well as strategies were discussed. Mr Vukani Moyo in his presentation spoke passionately about how he to this day still remembers that some years ago he would hear a report that" church leaders have gone to ask for aid in the States." He challenged the worshipers to worship through giving at this time of need at home likening us to Missionaries and he went on to say that the missionaries were few in numbers than us yet they were willing to help the church in Zimbabwe.

For me it was amazing to see the number of BIC members here in Indiana and the USA in general. Indiana was used as a starting point since its now going to be an annually summer camp. The committee that made preparations for the conference did a superb job. I ought to take my hat off for Mr B Moyo and Mr S Ncube for such a tireless effort. Rev Mthombeni, the vision of the fellowship could not have done less.

Mfundisi Gegana as many call him, likened us to," Israelites when they were captured in Babylon." Ndlovu who is also humanitarian at heart, poured his heart out to us, during the camp. For me and many others it became an eye opening event .Needles to mention that we were all revived by the fellowship. Games were played at the park something we have not done since grade school or childhood days. Powerful music and worship from the hymn book and choruses filled the room on Sunday morning.

The caters did not disappoint , aunt Ma Khumalo was at her best. There was a good combination of American food and Zimbabwean dish. Over all the meeting was success an many are ready to start projects in their areas. Another topic that was discussed was the issue of Education and Investment opportunities here in the States.


Nothing can stop the self driven and inspired business woman Kathleen Vancleave from touching the sky. Makhumalo as we know her has ventured into catering services to the community in indiana. Kathysvan caters for birhtday parties , weddings, anniversaries, graduation and pretty much any occasion that needs food services. Together with her two sons Thabani and Mduduzi Matshazi and a few other helpers Makhumalo has a lot of expirience in the catering business having worked for many hotels within the city of Indianapolis that includes Marriot, Adams Mark, Brickyard , Sheraton and many others.

Kathy a both industrius and and expertise in catering has a heart for the business and hence her excellent work shows. She also does magnificent decorations apart from her delicious meals and deserts. Cleaning is also one of her services. No wonder the sky is the limit the woman is a hard worker. She can found at email vancleavek@hotmail.com or cell 317 -258 -1518. home phone 317-534-2195.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The economic decline and political upheaval must have taught us that there is need for talks in Zimbabwe. For a long time people from various institutions and persuasions have shunned talks to the detriment of the country. The results of this is right before our very eyes. Its so bad and sad that Zimbabwe has sunk so low in no time. For a country to through such inflation when there is no war is quite ridiculous. One thing we should understand is that Zimbabwe will not be fixed from outside, only from within. Failing to talk, is not an option.

When this thing began the business community , the government and the trade unions used to have talks among themselves. The moment we lost that platform all hell broke loose. Zimbabwe has its own unique situation. What works for USA might not work for Zimbabwe. I must say I acknowledge that democracy is the best proven system of leadership. People must not die in case the above mentioned ideology is not met, neither should they starve to death. My point here is that, chasing an ideology could be equally dangerous. What will it profit one if they die seeking democracy or any form of governance.

Would one not rather live than die. What is the price tag for life? People must be carefully of political party leaders, who put themselves first, and not the people they lead. When leaders of any institution have their priorities wrong, there is bound to be chaos in the long run. A lot of differences are not really about ideas, but about power and personalities. Here is an example in the Bible. In a time of very bad famine two women appeared to the king Solomon.They related their stories about how they ate each others babies. This they claimed to have done in some kind of agreement as a meal . Both women claimed that the remaining baby is theirs and in those days there was neither DNA or CSI. So the King through his wisdom from God, ordered the baby to be brought forward. "I will cut the baby into pieces so that both women will take half each," he said.

Naturally the woman who was the really biological mother steped up, and demanded that she would rather let the baby live. The other insisted that the baby be cut. At that moment King Solomon knew who the real mother of the baby was . Anyone who has the burden and compassion about the people and the country ought to put them in front. Earlier this month I spoke about how the man Joshua Nkomo sacrificed his own dreams for the people he lead. He would even to play a nobody when was he somebody. Such spirit of leadership is rare these days. What makes talks fail because people have personal interests and hidden agendas.In the face of this calamity, all stake holders must need set their priorities right, especially those in leadership both in the government, opposition. The same goes for the pressure groups , chiefs , business community as well as an influential leaders of any kind.

This goes even to various tribes in the country.Tribalisms is is a taboo to talk about in Zimbabwe, yet like cancer its destroying the country. This I believe above all things was the major down fall of the nation. For a young country like Zimbabwe to nature and embrace tribalism is sad. Ndebele's needs must be the needs of the whole country. If people do not repent then we will still be in the same predicament, even when we can be out .

Ayikhulunywe lendaba madoda.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"No hurry in Africa"

One of the things which we as African people find hard to adjust to when we come here in the States in the pantuality in time. For many reasons we seem to have excuses for being late on time in many places ranging from work to church or any other event. Its not fair to say that all African people cannot keep time but however its safe to say the majority do not. Its an alarming trend that works aganist us as a people. I am pretty sure that most of us have either been late an a crucial period of time to some event or at least know somebody who did so.

For instance whenever something is said to start at 10 am just for example most of us will appear at 10 45am and that could probably be the first one. I know a lot of people who have lost a lot of good opportunities because of tardiness. However you look at it time is a major factor here in the developed nations. "In Africa time is relative" by that i mean we can adjust time anytime we feel like we are ready. One good friend of mine used to say "no hurry in Africa we are eighty hours ahead of America.

At my present job i happen to work with few guys from the "homeland" and sadly enough only one guy other than myself is pantual at work. Like when the shift ends at 7 am for example my collegies will arrive a good thirty or an hour later without either apology or calling. All they do is pretend like nothing happened and my American counterparts will be "pised off and shitt" at the same time banging the door as they leave the house. And one will think this will ring a message to a brother but only to discover he does the same thing next time and never learns a lesson at all. We work in any very friendly environment where maturity and self respect is required because its self management and brothers do not pass that test.

There is one employe in particular who no maater what will always be late, iam talking about one hour or thirty minutes late and many other employes have preached and scolded him but guess what the guys is like conrete which pouring water you make it harder. If for some reason he decide to call and make an apology that he will be late he would say "I just woke up and my alarm did not go off". to make matters worse the guy makes all the stupid excuses everyday ranging firm car accidents, wife, baby sick ,talk about any excuse he used them all and now he is repeating them. Like they say a liar has to have good memory he uses some of his excuses that he once used before.

In many African meetings be it church or staff like that people come so late that if the place is booked either a hotel or facilty like that Africans will come at the very last hour or so. Its sad i do not know if we are just relaxed or inherited it or its in our culture.back to my job the guy i spoke about earlier on was once five minutes early and people were "shocked" and that was only once in seven months. Also there is another one who rank the second worst but this one acts lke he is sophisticated always talking on the cell phone on the car when the staff that needs relieved is waiting for him. Americans will be cursing us for staff like that . Like Will he get his a.. in here and start working and stop acting like an important man. You know they tell it like it is.

Years back I learned a good lesson about never to be late for the job . I was hired by a temporay agency to work in a certain war house, in fact we were hired as a group since this company had just started and every three months they hired staff in to the company after the probation time. So me and this white guy were in the same team and at the end of three months he was hired first because his record was good and me i was three times late and missed one day. For the first time this has nothing to do with racism just pantuality and i vowed never to be tardy again , luckily i was also hired but being a second grade pained me so i learned my lesson . Time will not allow me to talk about a sister who amlost missed her flight to here from back home.

I will continue right now I must get ready for work so that i do not fall into a worse catergory and get my a... cursed by the mother f... of the world.