Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ten ways to know that you are poor.

1) your paycheck is spent before you get it.

2) Work from sunrise to sunset and your bills still keep pilling up.

3a) If you cannot go to the grocery store without a calculator.

3b) You shop furniture and electrical goods the same place you buy your groceries.

4) When you are excited about going shopping at clothes at Goodwill thrifty shop.

5a) Going to the ATM machine you do not know if anything will come out.

5b) When you can spell the words "insufficent funds" very well.

6) When in community meetings the chairman doesn't narrate your point.

7) When you live in a neighborhood where there are more people sitting outside than in.

8) You have never paid the dentist a visit for all your life.

9a) When you invite your friends to your home, they all give excuses.

9b) When your wife is always yelling at you.

10a) Every month you pray for a miracle to happen in order to pay your rent and electric bills.

10b) Not even the Pastor gives you a hug after church.

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