Despite victory claims by the oppositions MDC party, Zimbabweans and the rest of the world are still eagerly waiting for full outcome of the elections. The Zimbabwe election Committee seems to be taking its time, even thought the deadline for the election results has come and gone.The United States of America has ordered that Zimbabwe release the results as soon as possible. It is feared that the delay is because ZANU PF the ruling party, is trying to rig the elections behind closed doors. The opposition MDC spokesperson Tendayi Biti, has been making irregular and immature statements about the poll numbers. Nobody can predict the outcome, given the many rigging tricks that the ruling party can employee.
Some emails sources claim that the ruling party has lost, and therefore are buying time, to allow Mugabe and his family, some time to escape to Malaysia. The sources further claim that the Army Generals have ordered the Election Committee to declare Mugabe a winner despite the results. As each hour passes, we keep our ears to the ground. As for me I check my email every 15 min, and rumours from friends calling and text messaging. The stakes are high, and who knows this might be the moment we all been waiting for. The writing is on the wall, Mugabe must go at all cost. Zimbabwe's time has come.
(Issues/ indaba matters that pertains to Mthwakazi and Matabeleland people. Izehlakalo eizthinta okumayelana lakithi eMaNdebeleni koNyamakayipheli! Est 05-02-2007! Celebrated our tenth birthday in May 2017. Siyabonga kini lonke Zulu lendaba!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Indianapolis. Zimbabwe social soccer team has already made up their minds, about going to Dallas this memorial holiday. The team felt that since the the change of venue was a business move, there is little they could do. The Zimexpo spokesperson maintained that they traditional do not consult teams on decisions like that, only the business committee. Mr Q. Ncube regretted the miscommunication, but also pointed out that there is nothing they could do. Cincinnati is also believed to have pulled out this year's event citing the inconvenience of the last minute venue changes. Too late, somebody's email read. The road to Dallas might not be busy this memorial.
International news agencies like BBC and CNN have been bared from covering Zimbabwe on the election day. The minister of information Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu accused CNN of having preconceived ideas about Zimbabwe. He said the collapse of the economy was due to the sanctions imposed by the America and Britain. Ndlovu further accused CNN of being agents of the opposition. Where was the CNN when I was in detention cells? When Mugabe was detained for fifteen years. CNN journalist could be seen waiting at the Zimbabwe/ South African border across the bridge. According to experts prospects of free and fair elections have already been ruled out, given many irregularities that undo the election process.
Mugabe who has ruled Zimbabwe for 28 years is expected to win the elections by either vote buying , intimidation or rigging as he has done in the past. The Army, Police and other agents have been deployed all over the country, and could be seen on the polling stations. This is said to avoid the Kenya style of violence after the elections. The army generals have openly admitted that they will not salute anybody other than incumbent Robert Mugabe.
Mugabe who has ruled Zimbabwe for 28 years is expected to win the elections by either vote buying , intimidation or rigging as he has done in the past. The Army, Police and other agents have been deployed all over the country, and could be seen on the polling stations. This is said to avoid the Kenya style of violence after the elections. The army generals have openly admitted that they will not salute anybody other than incumbent Robert Mugabe.
Friday, March 28, 2008
On the eve of Zimbabwe's presidential election, I would like to personal endorse the man Morgan Tsvangirayi for the highest office in the land. This man is not the brightest man in among the presidential candidates, but he is the bravest of them all. He has stood for democracy for over ten years now. He spoke when it was expensive to speak. When most people were still riding on Bob,s gravy train.
Morgan has fought for the ordinary people without wavering. Tsvangirayi was not my choice but, time has proven him to be a true leader and revolutionist. Having been beaten, prisoned and threatened Morgan has withstood it all. The people of Zimbabwe have suffered too long to be tossed to and from. Arthur Mutambara's decision to join Makoni shows that the best academic minds are not always sober. Nobody knows if Makoni is genuine or not. So we cannnot gamble with the destiny of a nation, that easily.
Its time Morgan leads the way. Foward with the palm. Guqula ukwenza, Chinja maitiro. The time has come, Mugabe must go now. Ten years of fighting is not a joke. Years of hunger and humiliation. Zimbawe's time has come. Mayibuye.
Morgan has fought for the ordinary people without wavering. Tsvangirayi was not my choice but, time has proven him to be a true leader and revolutionist. Having been beaten, prisoned and threatened Morgan has withstood it all. The people of Zimbabwe have suffered too long to be tossed to and from. Arthur Mutambara's decision to join Makoni shows that the best academic minds are not always sober. Nobody knows if Makoni is genuine or not. So we cannnot gamble with the destiny of a nation, that easily.
Its time Morgan leads the way. Foward with the palm. Guqula ukwenza, Chinja maitiro. The time has come, Mugabe must go now. Ten years of fighting is not a joke. Years of hunger and humiliation. Zimbawe's time has come. Mayibuye.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
ZimExpo Blog Release March 20, 2008
The 2008 ZimExpo Event had been penciled in for Indianapolis. To all of us and everyone involved it was coming back home as the 1st ZimExpo was launched in this city. However, during the planning stages it became apparent that the cost for hosting the event was going to be very high mainly because the event was coinciding with Indy 500 (i.e. Hotel rates and air fares, let alone the congestion that the Indy 500 normally causes). The ZimExpo board thus decided to seek an alternative venue, and settled on Dallas.
It is regrettable that this change of venue did affect many ZimExpo participants including many soccer teams. Over the years Soccer has been one of the major sporting events at the annual ZimExpo Fair and ZimExpo would like this to continue. It was with this in mind that the ZimExpo board asked all concerned to disseminate the change of venue information to everyone including those organizing soccer in a timely manner. The Sports committee arranged for three meetings to disseminate this information including an email sent out to the soccer reps on 02/13/2008.
ZimExpo has always been proud of the support and valued the participation of Indianapolis’ Amazulu and we regret their decision not to participate. We sincerely hope they will reconsider their position. The decision to change was not done to spite anyone but was purely a tactical business decision having considered the financial implication. It is also important to know that all soccer reps like many other reps of our entertainers are traditionally not consulted when venue decisions are being made; this has always been considered a business decision. But soccer being one of our major entertainers and crowd pullers on Sundays, ZimExpo will strive to ensure that such misunderstanding will not be repeated in future. Again it has been an honor to work with Indianapolis’ Amazulu and it is our hope that this cordial relationship will continue to grow positively.
ZimExpo Marketing & Entertainment
The 2008 ZimExpo Event had been penciled in for Indianapolis. To all of us and everyone involved it was coming back home as the 1st ZimExpo was launched in this city. However, during the planning stages it became apparent that the cost for hosting the event was going to be very high mainly because the event was coinciding with Indy 500 (i.e. Hotel rates and air fares, let alone the congestion that the Indy 500 normally causes). The ZimExpo board thus decided to seek an alternative venue, and settled on Dallas.
It is regrettable that this change of venue did affect many ZimExpo participants including many soccer teams. Over the years Soccer has been one of the major sporting events at the annual ZimExpo Fair and ZimExpo would like this to continue. It was with this in mind that the ZimExpo board asked all concerned to disseminate the change of venue information to everyone including those organizing soccer in a timely manner. The Sports committee arranged for three meetings to disseminate this information including an email sent out to the soccer reps on 02/13/2008.
ZimExpo has always been proud of the support and valued the participation of Indianapolis’ Amazulu and we regret their decision not to participate. We sincerely hope they will reconsider their position. The decision to change was not done to spite anyone but was purely a tactical business decision having considered the financial implication. It is also important to know that all soccer reps like many other reps of our entertainers are traditionally not consulted when venue decisions are being made; this has always been considered a business decision. But soccer being one of our major entertainers and crowd pullers on Sundays, ZimExpo will strive to ensure that such misunderstanding will not be repeated in future. Again it has been an honor to work with Indianapolis’ Amazulu and it is our hope that this cordial relationship will continue to grow positively.
ZimExpo Marketing & Entertainment
Sunday, March 23, 2008
When the governor of New Mexico, Mr Bill Richardson, introduced the presidential candidate, Barack Obama, last week, he called him; " a once in a lifetime leader." He went on to say that, Barack is the only candidate who can unite America at this time. This is no small saying from Mr. Richardson, who is also a former Democratic presidential candidate. He dropped out a few months ago. Obama has been likened to great American leaders like the late John F. Kennedy and the slain Civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King. He is respected by both the Republicans and Democrats alike. In fact, his emergence into the presidential race has changed the face of day to day politics in America. Barack has raised the standard of politics, but also the expectations of the American people. He has challenged Washington and changed stereo types. Simply put, Barack Obama has raised hope for the American people.
The man who was born to a Kenyan black man and a white woman from Kansas could not have be more mixed. While America is still struggling to accept the equality of races, Barack has stood right in front of every American and demanded them to think again. This is a nation that still prides itself in racial purity. Anybody with mixed blood is not considered a true American. Quite often the term 'American' refers to white Caucasians. The man, Barack Obama, was raised by his white family after his father and mother divorced early during his childhood. The input of his white family in his life is no doubt what made him what he is. These were his circumstances and nobody could have changed them. This by no means belittles his father, who had come to America for school. Sadly, his father died years later in Kenya, not having been there for his son.
Barack, like most mixed people in America at that time, could have easily mingled with blacks than white people, especially at school and places like that. Most mixed celebrities in this country usually testify of that. Hale Berry is one of them. At home you are white; outside you are black. It's sad to say that even if Barack was comfortable with black people, they did not consider him black enough. This was evident during his race for the senate in Illinois. It is amazing that when the Republicans could not find any strong candidate to stand against Obama, they went as far as employing Allen Keys. Keys is a known African American Civil rights activist, who accused Barack of not being black enough. He went on to mention that Barack could not represent the African American people since none of his forefathers were slaves. However, given all that negative criticism, Barack Obama won that seat by an overwhelming margin.
Barack who is married to Michelle, an African American woman. Michelle is also lawyer by profession. She graduated from Princeton and Harvard universities respectively. This, on its own, would open a new world for the young Barack, who was brought up by a white family. The cultures are different. For example, it's known that African American people got 'the groove' or 'rhythm,' while white people fall short in that area. He once joked that he can dance better than Bill Clinton. When Barack Obama began his campaign for the presidency, the main fear was that America is ready not for a black Commander in Chief. At the same time white people were the first to propel Obama in Iowa. Not only that, but also that his base was white working class people, business intellectuals and college students.
That is why, to this day he is still leading long after people like John Edwards and other formidable white presidential candidates are gone. Obama, having changed the world, is failing to accept himself, as far as race is concerned, by walking on a tight rope .He cannot please both black and white at the same time. He just needs to be himself rather than to appease those extremists, who are trying to bring him down. They are there in both races. What is important is not what people think but what he, himself, thinks. As a man thinks so he is, goes the proverb. It's not a sin to be of mixed race in America.
They must accept or reject him as he is. He must be grateful to his white family, his wife's family, as well as his church family. It takes a village to raise a child. It's time he confronts this issue straight up. Saying that his grandmother was typical ' white person ' is disrespectful.The poor woman did not raise a politician. She raised him to stand on his own. She, like most American people was from another period of time, in the history of America. She might have been a typical white woman, but when she helped raise her mixed grandson, she ceased to be a typical white woman. That is in Obama,s life. He has not only raised the bar for the African American people, but also for all mixed races everywhere. What will it profit a man to win the whole America and lose himself?
The man who was born to a Kenyan black man and a white woman from Kansas could not have be more mixed. While America is still struggling to accept the equality of races, Barack has stood right in front of every American and demanded them to think again. This is a nation that still prides itself in racial purity. Anybody with mixed blood is not considered a true American. Quite often the term 'American' refers to white Caucasians. The man, Barack Obama, was raised by his white family after his father and mother divorced early during his childhood. The input of his white family in his life is no doubt what made him what he is. These were his circumstances and nobody could have changed them. This by no means belittles his father, who had come to America for school. Sadly, his father died years later in Kenya, not having been there for his son.
Barack, like most mixed people in America at that time, could have easily mingled with blacks than white people, especially at school and places like that. Most mixed celebrities in this country usually testify of that. Hale Berry is one of them. At home you are white; outside you are black. It's sad to say that even if Barack was comfortable with black people, they did not consider him black enough. This was evident during his race for the senate in Illinois. It is amazing that when the Republicans could not find any strong candidate to stand against Obama, they went as far as employing Allen Keys. Keys is a known African American Civil rights activist, who accused Barack of not being black enough. He went on to mention that Barack could not represent the African American people since none of his forefathers were slaves. However, given all that negative criticism, Barack Obama won that seat by an overwhelming margin.
Barack who is married to Michelle, an African American woman. Michelle is also lawyer by profession. She graduated from Princeton and Harvard universities respectively. This, on its own, would open a new world for the young Barack, who was brought up by a white family. The cultures are different. For example, it's known that African American people got 'the groove' or 'rhythm,' while white people fall short in that area. He once joked that he can dance better than Bill Clinton. When Barack Obama began his campaign for the presidency, the main fear was that America is ready not for a black Commander in Chief. At the same time white people were the first to propel Obama in Iowa. Not only that, but also that his base was white working class people, business intellectuals and college students.
That is why, to this day he is still leading long after people like John Edwards and other formidable white presidential candidates are gone. Obama, having changed the world, is failing to accept himself, as far as race is concerned, by walking on a tight rope .He cannot please both black and white at the same time. He just needs to be himself rather than to appease those extremists, who are trying to bring him down. They are there in both races. What is important is not what people think but what he, himself, thinks. As a man thinks so he is, goes the proverb. It's not a sin to be of mixed race in America.
They must accept or reject him as he is. He must be grateful to his white family, his wife's family, as well as his church family. It takes a village to raise a child. It's time he confronts this issue straight up. Saying that his grandmother was typical ' white person ' is disrespectful.The poor woman did not raise a politician. She raised him to stand on his own. She, like most American people was from another period of time, in the history of America. She might have been a typical white woman, but when she helped raise her mixed grandson, she ceased to be a typical white woman. That is in Obama,s life. He has not only raised the bar for the African American people, but also for all mixed races everywhere. What will it profit a man to win the whole America and lose himself?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
He was named the Big South Player of the week in a record of four times in one season. Mkhokheli Dube was also the First Team All -Conference selection for the second year in a row. Dube, who is a former Highlanders player and Zimbabwe under 23 select, is at the top of his game. He was ranked 14th in the NCAA and was crowned the Big South Conference player of the year. He led the Carolina Coastal to a 6-0 record in the Big South last season.
Mkhokheli, a Bulawayo native, who grew up in Pumula totalled 16 goals and 10 assists for his college team. He was drafted by the New England Revolution earlier this year, making a debut into the United States major league Soccer (MLS). This is no small achievement for 24 year old Dube who will be in the same league with great players like David Beckam, a former Manchester United and England player. Not too many Zimbabwean soccer players have broken into the US market, only Joseph Ngwenya. Joseph, who also played for New England, has since moved to Austria.
Parts of this article was taken from the Coastal Carolina official website.
Mkhokheli, a Bulawayo native, who grew up in Pumula totalled 16 goals and 10 assists for his college team. He was drafted by the New England Revolution earlier this year, making a debut into the United States major league Soccer (MLS). This is no small achievement for 24 year old Dube who will be in the same league with great players like David Beckam, a former Manchester United and England player. Not too many Zimbabwean soccer players have broken into the US market, only Joseph Ngwenya. Joseph, who also played for New England, has since moved to Austria.
Parts of this article was taken from the Coastal Carolina official website.
Thursday, March 20, 2008

We all know that there are four seasons in a calendar year. Some might even remember the poem 'Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring...'. It's amazing that seasons depend on one's geographical place. For example; for those of us from Africa, we are only familiar with just two seasons. Rainy and cold. 'Summer is rainy and winter is cold.' The other two are just minor seasons which we usually do not pay much attention to: 'Spring and fall.'
When I first came to the States I asked about the rainy season and to my amazement my uncle told me," Here there is no rainy season." I said, "What do you mean there is no rainy season?" He replied "It can rain any time of the year." For those of us in North America, yesterday was the first day of spring. I know little about spring, other than the fact that it comes before summer.
I also know that farmers do their planting in the spring. One thing for sure, I know that winter is gone until somebody tells me that it's fall again. To many this is the season to get out of the house and enjoy outdoor life. Fishing, golf and car racing for the rich. Their options are not limited. To us its just a time when we can go to the park and play with kids, buy ice cream if its a good day. Some will have family barbecues or family cookouts. We welcome spring and may we all enjoy the goodness of the season.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The meeting began with the following objectives:
-bring the Zimbabwean nationalities together.
-Get help for community.
-helping one another in times of need.
-make Zimbabweans aware of laws and bylaws.
-Advocate for community policing.
-make Zimbabweans aware of benefits available from the state.
-to network amongst ourselves as Zimbabweans.
-collaborate with Africa center.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Despite many attempts to avoid the subject of the Gukurahundi atrocities in the mid 80s, Zimbabwe is still struggling to come to terms with that ghost. The President Cde RG Mugabe once referred to this period as the darkest period in the history of the nation. He further said it was the time of madness, and should never happen again. During this period many people were murdered in cold blood by the 5th Brigade. This was a special wing of the army that was specifically formed to perpetrate, and wipe away the dissidents in Matabeleland and Midlands. These Korean trained militias did not only deal with the dissidents, but also any body who did not support the ruling party ZANU PF. Their wave was so strong that they did not only kill the male villagers; but also raped and killed pregnant women.
They would come to a village, and close schools, select boys and girls in higher grades they could use as informers. This would be brainwashed so much that they would even kill their own parents. Normally, they wanted one to start by battering his or her own family. This would be under their watchful eye. Failure to do that would mean death for oneself. Men were stripped and humiliated in public places, and thoroughly beaten to death. The soldiers as we used to call them, would gather the children together, and ask them questions, They would beat them to release the information they wanted. People who were targeted most were obviously Ndebele speakers, since they operated in Ndebele lands. Young girls were raped. Men of age vanished mysteriously or were killed publicly. The tactics they used varied depending on the soldiers judgements. No Police would intervene as this was said to be an operation to clean up, hence the name Gukurahundi.
This period of witch hunt, humiliation and torture took place not under the evil regime of Ian Douglas Smith, but in a free Zimbabwe. These operations were planned and directed by the government of Zimbabwe which was elected by the people of Zimbabwe. This was the period when many investors and non governmental agencies were flooding Zimbabwe. This was the time when many regions of Zimbabwe were fast developing. It is estimated that over twenty thousand people died. Nobody surely knows the actually number. No official findings have ever been released about this tragedy. The Chihambakwe Commission's findings which the government ordered undertaken, was never made public. A lot of young people from Mat land could not get their birth certificates, because their fathers were unknown.
The problem now is that many people are using the gukurahundi atrocities, to keep the affected people in bondage. This sensitive and touching issue deserves to be handled correctly by the right people. It has taken over two decades for Zimbabwe to acknowledge that these unfortunate events happened. In the past nobody ever listened to these people's plight. They were considered aliens. Only recent did we hear politicians like Morgan Tvsangirayi getting on board, saying that he will prosecute Mugabe for these crimes. Because of the desperation politicians are using that issue as catch to attract people from Matabeland .
They would come to a village, and close schools, select boys and girls in higher grades they could use as informers. This would be brainwashed so much that they would even kill their own parents. Normally, they wanted one to start by battering his or her own family. This would be under their watchful eye. Failure to do that would mean death for oneself. Men were stripped and humiliated in public places, and thoroughly beaten to death. The soldiers as we used to call them, would gather the children together, and ask them questions, They would beat them to release the information they wanted. People who were targeted most were obviously Ndebele speakers, since they operated in Ndebele lands. Young girls were raped. Men of age vanished mysteriously or were killed publicly. The tactics they used varied depending on the soldiers judgements. No Police would intervene as this was said to be an operation to clean up, hence the name Gukurahundi.
This period of witch hunt, humiliation and torture took place not under the evil regime of Ian Douglas Smith, but in a free Zimbabwe. These operations were planned and directed by the government of Zimbabwe which was elected by the people of Zimbabwe. This was the period when many investors and non governmental agencies were flooding Zimbabwe. This was the time when many regions of Zimbabwe were fast developing. It is estimated that over twenty thousand people died. Nobody surely knows the actually number. No official findings have ever been released about this tragedy. The Chihambakwe Commission's findings which the government ordered undertaken, was never made public. A lot of young people from Mat land could not get their birth certificates, because their fathers were unknown.
The problem now is that many people are using the gukurahundi atrocities, to keep the affected people in bondage. This sensitive and touching issue deserves to be handled correctly by the right people. It has taken over two decades for Zimbabwe to acknowledge that these unfortunate events happened. In the past nobody ever listened to these people's plight. They were considered aliens. Only recent did we hear politicians like Morgan Tvsangirayi getting on board, saying that he will prosecute Mugabe for these crimes. Because of the desperation politicians are using that issue as catch to attract people from Matabeland .
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The arrival of Dr Simba Makoni in the opposition has changed the face of Zimbabwe's political landscape. Makoni who claims that there are many ZANU gurus who are yet to join him, is himself a force not to be underestimated. The man brings a new kind of politics which Zimbabwe has never seen before. He seems to pulling people together for something bigger than the party. Dumiso Dabengwa also a former ZANU PF politburo member jumped off the ship to join the flamboyant business man and former finance Minister. It is believed that the former Zipra commander and intelligence supremo was angered by the President's support for Jabulani Sibanda a war veteran leader. Sibanda was suspended by the party leaders in Matabeland for the infamous Tsholotsho saga. The President is said to have welcomed the man back in the Party at a time when he was still under suspension. This is said to have angered all the ZANUPF members who are former ZAPU members. Sibanda championed the million men march, that lead to the re election of Cde Mugabe at the annual party congress last December. For the first time in twenty years the Unity Accord was threatened.
The other man who has came out in the open to back Makoni is Mr Cyril Ndebele a former speaker of Parliament .Experts argue if Makoni will be break Mugabe's 27 year old rule on the 29 of this month. The Movement for Democratic Change lead by Arthur Mutambara seems to be behind Makoni even though the man has denied these allegations. Mutambara's position is very important for the people of Matabeland who gave him the mandate to represent them. Matabeland is Zimbabwe's opposition stronghold for many years.
With time not on his side Makoni needs the arm of other political parties especially the faction of the MDC lead by Nasa Scientist Athur Mutambara and Gibson Sibanda. The other MDC faction lead by Morgan Tsvangirayi is also attracting thousands of supporters. Morgan who has trashed Makoni saying that he is part of the ZANU PF establishment, is said to be confident that he is the next President of Zimbabwe. He likened Makoni to an old wine put into the new wineskin. On the other hand the man Robert Gabriel Mugabe has dismissed these two as puppets and prostitutes respectively. Mugabe who is known for belittling his opponents might be headed for a surprise at the end of the month. It is feared that Mugabe might win by 51 % especially if the two other candidates share the votes. Whoever wins or lose it is evident that Zimbabwe's political landscape has forever changed.
The other man who has came out in the open to back Makoni is Mr Cyril Ndebele a former speaker of Parliament .Experts argue if Makoni will be break Mugabe's 27 year old rule on the 29 of this month. The Movement for Democratic Change lead by Arthur Mutambara seems to be behind Makoni even though the man has denied these allegations. Mutambara's position is very important for the people of Matabeland who gave him the mandate to represent them. Matabeland is Zimbabwe's opposition stronghold for many years.
With time not on his side Makoni needs the arm of other political parties especially the faction of the MDC lead by Nasa Scientist Athur Mutambara and Gibson Sibanda. The other MDC faction lead by Morgan Tsvangirayi is also attracting thousands of supporters. Morgan who has trashed Makoni saying that he is part of the ZANU PF establishment, is said to be confident that he is the next President of Zimbabwe. He likened Makoni to an old wine put into the new wineskin. On the other hand the man Robert Gabriel Mugabe has dismissed these two as puppets and prostitutes respectively. Mugabe who is known for belittling his opponents might be headed for a surprise at the end of the month. It is feared that Mugabe might win by 51 % especially if the two other candidates share the votes. Whoever wins or lose it is evident that Zimbabwe's political landscape has forever changed.
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