Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Its a year this month since I left Indiana for Canada. It was not an easy move considering the networking I had ...many friends, associates and family of which you are a big part of. We have prayed together, played soccer together, discussed politics, business, bringing up children all in good spirit with the brotherly love of building each other. Allow me to once again thank you for the years gone by and the impact you have had on my life and also thank you for the year ahead as we strive to be a better people and more so to provide the best for our families in these challenging economic times.

I am sure I do not need to go into details on how hard hard a decision it was to leave the USA, that fear of the unknown leaving our comfort zones. I have learnt that the only thing that is holding us back is FEAR. How many times have we lost opportunities because of fear. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of pain. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of loneliness. Fear of you name it.

Do I regret leaving the USA? No. The only regret I have is not leaving early enough. The great comfort I have is that I finally overcame my fear and left my comfort zone and moved. Coincidentally I have finally got a job on the 2ND Feb after a year of unemployment. Hold your congratulations. While I appreciate that that's not the cause of my excitement. What excites me is the fact that I intend to quit my job and any job for that matter this time next year.

Yes the company is great, good pay, great benefits, awesome team members and environment, but its still a job with a boss. You know a boss is like a baby diaper... always on your arse and full of shit most of the time...(excuse my French) You might say we all have bosses. Yes and because you are special to me I want to give you two challenges.
1)Be your own boss and create a residual income.
2)Hold me accountable to my goal to fire my boss next year (2010).

I challenge you to have the desire, the passion and holy anger to take control of your life/freedom and above all to act upon it. Think positive all the time. See your cup as half full and not half empty. When life throws lemons at you squeeze them and make refreshing lemonade.

You are obviously going to meet challenges the moment you start making a positive move. There are those who will tell you forget it you can't. History has been made at the White House based on "YES WE CAN". I challenge you and I "YES WE CAN" Now is the time. Find your passion and go for it. Put away your fear and dream big.

I have found my passion and am on my way up. I have overcome my fears. If you still have fear to journey alone I invite you to come on board with me and together we can achieve even greater things. Just forget about all those excuses you are thinking of and what people will say.

Yah we heard things like he is not experienced, he is an elitist (whatever that means)he is a Muslim, he is a terrorist, he is black, he is that one...blah blah blah... so what?
His answer and those who believed in him was "YES WE CAN". The rest is History. It is not easy, but its not impossible.
Find your passion and go for it or come on board with me on:

Yours Faithfully

T.Mabasa and family.

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