Friday, December 30, 2011

New year benediction to all my readers

One can only be thankful

When we look at the paths that God has taken us (me) over decades, years, months, weeks, days hours and minutes. One cannot help but be thankful. There are many who fell on the way side. Many who did not make it to this day , some wise, some foolish, some famous, other were infamous, some educated , other were not educated, some kind, some unkind, some selfish, some generous and some young, while others where older, some sick, others were fit, some were tall other were short, some dark skinned others, were light skinned, some where in the developed world, and  others were in the third world.

 Be thankful every day.

God bless you and protect you in all you do in 2012 & beyond!

Happy new year.

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