Thursday, December 20, 2007


Once again the people of South Africa have reclaimed their long lost dream of democracy. There was sounds of jubilation and joy on the streets as the people learnt that the man Jacob Zuma is now the new leader of the ANC party. Zuma won by almost three quarters of votes in the recent ended party congress in Polokwane. The change of leadership is expected to benefit the ordinary black South Africans whom the arrogant Mbeki administration had long forgotten. Mr Jacob Zuma who is not a University graduate like his predecessor Mbeki speaks much of inclusion than isolation. Both critics and supporters alike admit that the party and the country needed salvation.

Millions of black people are more poor now than they were in the apartheid thanks to the Thabo Mbeki government. The man was just basking in the reigns of power without any touch with the people whom he represent. So pathetic to an extent that recently when he visited his mother in the rural areas she told him exactly that people are now destitutes under his leadership. The western styled leader who drinks whisky and smoke cigars was only institutional minded and a politically correct manager. Just before he won Zuma assured the business community that changes will happen but all the institutions will have an input. Zuma who was fired from the government in 2005 has been a veteran party member for over forty years. He was also in prison with the man Nelson Mandela. The ANC party is so divided that even tata uMadiba is concerned.

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