Monday, December 23, 2013

Some strangers will put you to shame!

 Not too long ago me and my kids left home to buy few grocery items at one of the local stores. Needless to say that my wife was taking a little zee! nap (Nap or personal time for a few hours) I bundled the  three kids into the car and there we drove. By the time I got to the store, all the kids were fast asleep. I had only driven less than twenty minutes, and I must assume they had all feel asleep in the last five minutes or so. Now I had to make a decision, what I am going to do with three kids sleeping? "I would rather that they sleep on the way back home, I thought to myself"  I waited for a few minutes trying to at least not disturb their nap time! In no time I had to un buckle them out of the car seats and where they were warmly bundled.

 I must mention that just buckling unbuckling them at that age is tricky process. You have to be alert, one has already unbuckled himself, an the other one has opened the car door which might dent some body's car, or worse still be hit by another car backing up. (Reversing) In this case I employ military training mode. ( Disclaimer, I am not a trained soldier or anything close)  After successful completing this process, we all head to the store in a single file. They know they have to either hold my jacket shirt, hand or just physically contact me somehow. I am holding the little one.
 Behavior inside the store is another challenge. As a we get our grocery cart, I tell them to hold on to the cart as a usual. A middle aged lady greet us and complement us/them on their behavior. I grumbling mumble a "thank you" not because I am mean but because I am struggling to recover from that vigorous previous process. In my mind I am just praying that they do not show their true colors at that very moment. To make the short story long, we continue with our shopping. (This was not a schedule weekly shopping since their  mom usually administers those) I had a gift card that I had to use. A stranger in my church who did not want to be named had stuck it in my security locker and had my name clearly inscribed on the envelope.

 It so happened that because of my multi tasking responsibilities in the grocery I just had to throw things into the cart without adding up the total. (Men do multi task here in the western world in case you are wondering.) I knew I would tell the teller to stop at a certain amount so as to not exceed the limit. I did have some money on my ATM bank  card which I could have used but since this was not an official shopping visit, I was not going to use it. I had make sure not to exceed the limit regardless. Little did I know that this strangers lady is behind me at the counter.  When the teller finished a few things were to be left on the cart the  since the limit was easily reached. Just before I could say anything this stranger who complemented about my kids behavior emerges and offers to pay for the rest. At this point I am in pains trying to explain to her that this are not essential things rather pleasure. All that landed on deaf ears. She literally begged to pay the remaining amount for us. She could not take no for an answer. In my mind I thought that would be both dishonest and selfish act on my part. The line is building up fast and the cashier is already coordinating  with her, so I gave in. Again I thanked her for her kindness, but I must confess  I was so overwhelmed her kindness. I thank God for such kind people . I wish that this type of kindness could be extended to more deserving people. Merry Christmas!

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