Friday, June 15, 2007

Soweto Students not forgotten.

The 16 of june is still will always be remebered as a dark day for those of us with South African ties. This day is what is known as Sharpville massacare, this is when hundreds of students took to the street to protest againist learning Afrikans as a compulsory subject language at shools. they frustrated a strategical designed plan to breed oppression and hate.

Afrikans a language that was spoken by less than a fraction of the population, and was mainly used as a tool for apartheid or segregation. It must be remembered that the freedom most of which Africa enjoys was brought about by students. It is in this respect that we that live and enjoy freedom and equality must know that it never came on a silver plate.

I want to pay tribute to the spirit of Soweto students who aganist machine guns and bombs refused to give in even paying the ultimate price. Africa owes a lot many young of courage and inspiration whose vision went beyond their personal comfort but for the entire human kind.

Even thousands of miles away we salute these heroes, thank Soweto.

Chief Justice.

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