Thursday, June 28, 2007

U.S. Presidential hopeful deliberate on poverty.

The Public Broadcasting Station aired the different views on both poverty, Aids and education all of them claiming that the African American community needs fair and increased resources to bridge the gap that exist. Both Senator Obama and John Edwards agreed that the stigmas has to be removed and people have to talk about these issues. The senators and govenors stressed the need for early education going down to as far as 4 years.

Speaking to a packed predominantly black American audience which included Rev Al Sharpton and many influential leaders. Most speakers blamed the Bush administration for wrong priorites which leads to failure of heathy care which victimises the poor and minority who in are this case are blacks. Hillary Clinton the wife of former U.S. President moved the crowd to their feet when she said " If aids and poverty were affecting young white woman they would be an out cry in America. She said this admin has failed to address equality.

The host Tavis Smiley the host of his own show made a good joke when he compared senator Joe Biden to Paris Hilton. When asked about the state and way forwad for new Orleans all the senators were quick to say less has been done and more could be done because this is an American city and deserve better . Mr John also latched at he biilion dollar industries like the Haliburton and so did Obama who is not just black man but also a son of black african man form Kenya. From taxes to the war, jobs, education and minium wage almost all expressed the need for an accountable systematic way. Trade agreements, outsourcing jobs and from overseas the senators one after another seemed to agree that there is need to have a siutable enviroment for preserving jobs here at home.

Mr Richardson, the governer of New Mexico, expressed disapointment at the whitehouse for not doing enough for Dufur genocid. At the end Mr. Obama said its not just Dufu that need help, Among, Zimbabwe, Kenya to menchion a few.

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