Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Zimbabwe we love.

Our Pride is lost!

Many of us who have been away from the land of our birth Zimbabwe. It almost feels like a century now. When we hear how much the country has changed and sadly changed for the worst. We cannot but help cry the beloved. . We that loved and cherished Zimbabwe as our motherland are tone in between, when we think about the state of affairs now. The memories we have. We were proud people who religiously devoted themselves to their history, culture as well as the natural resources.

Its not very long ago when other African used to come and shop in the land. The land between Zambezi and Limpopo was a haven to a lot of foreigners across the region. In this very period of time the nation was just few years. Like most developing countries in Africa and the third world, Zimbabwe was still a work in progress. For most us who grew up in big cities, we often overlook a lot of things the rest of the was country going through.

Zimbabwe like many third world countries is divided into two, thanks to the colonial masters. They never saw the urgent need top develop the whole land infrastructural essentials like roads, hospitals, schools, dams, and means of communication. The country back was developing at its own. The new government which was not as much experienced in many areas was eager to improve those essential areas of development. Apart from using them as campaign tools, we needed them.

Despite the political and civil unrest of the early 80's. The country was full of hopes and dreams. Whatever the previous government had left was shining, and maintained at least. There was room for improvement. Integration and black empowerment was slow. The big cities were in good condition. The Railway stations and bus lines were functional.

Its hard to strike a balance growth, neglect, progress and lose of it.  I was just eight years old at independence in 1980.
It seems to me that for many outside the country like me who have been away for so long, now have two pictures of Zimbabwe. The previous one and the present. Our labor in foreign lands and investments back home are divided. The Atlantic and the Indian oceans stands in between. In our dreams we are Zimbabweans, yet when woke up we are sad to realize  our pride is lost.

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