Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Physical health matters.

Only in America do people have overweight problem than else. Life here spolis, we never walk long like we do back home. We do not even do much physical work. The longer we stay here the more we adjust to American life and system. Obesity is the biggest problem here among other health isues most of which are related to the food and lack of exercise. i have seen few brothers and sister who are from the motherland negleting their own health. Overweight.

By any other name health is a corncern to America as a whole, the news and t.v. shows all broadcast and encourage people to good health day in and day out. Being immigrants we tend to neglet our health in many ways sometimes not deliberately but in pure innocence and ignorance. Many a time most of us cannot afford health insurance be it physical or dental. If by chance our job offers of such most of the time we do not have time to go for checkups and things like that. We are always waiting for a better day yet until we know for sure that we are sick or someting like that.

We are the hardest working people to feed ourselves and relatives back home therefore we cannot afford extras that inlcudes our own wellbeing. The burden on our" shoulders" does not allow us to restor get sick. We do not even tack vacations or leave days even though we may have them on our benefits , we rather tack money. We are waiting for a better day. Even when we are sick we do not have anyone to tell or rather we keep it to our selves. We want to look strong and we work double shifts and overtime and we come home to tired and without time to rest and let alone cook. We resort to fast foods and eat all the cabohydrates and fats junk foods.

We live for that day yet back home we have huge investments, big houses , tracks name them but here we have no life nor break at all.We know what we should do but we cannot create ime for it. Simple we are slaves to the US $ and we do not have enough for ourselves because there are so mnay pproblems back home, deaths, sicknesses, school fees, name them they all needs our input. soon we forget about ourselves as we handle the problems of other in our families and friends back home. We love the motherl but we cannot afford to live, if by chance we are priviledged we can only visit home for afew days. I cannot count the money we use to buy phone cards. Huh that is a on its stress own wonder if we will cash them back someday.

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