Monday, July 16, 2007


Nothing can stop the self driven and inspired business woman Kathleen Vancleave from touching the sky. Makhumalo as we know her has ventured into catering services to the community in indiana. Kathysvan caters for birhtday parties , weddings, anniversaries, graduation and pretty much any occasion that needs food services. Together with her two sons Thabani and Mduduzi Matshazi and a few other helpers Makhumalo has a lot of expirience in the catering business having worked for many hotels within the city of Indianapolis that includes Marriot, Adams Mark, Brickyard , Sheraton and many others.

Kathy a both industrius and and expertise in catering has a heart for the business and hence her excellent work shows. She also does magnificent decorations apart from her delicious meals and deserts. Cleaning is also one of her services. No wonder the sky is the limit the woman is a hard worker. She can found at email or cell 317 -258 -1518. home phone 317-534-2195.

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