Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The economic decline and political upheaval must have taught us that there is need for talks in Zimbabwe. For a long time people from various institutions and persuasions have shunned talks to the detriment of the country. The results of this is right before our very eyes. Its so bad and sad that Zimbabwe has sunk so low in no time. For a country to through such inflation when there is no war is quite ridiculous. One thing we should understand is that Zimbabwe will not be fixed from outside, only from within. Failing to talk, is not an option.

When this thing began the business community , the government and the trade unions used to have talks among themselves. The moment we lost that platform all hell broke loose. Zimbabwe has its own unique situation. What works for USA might not work for Zimbabwe. I must say I acknowledge that democracy is the best proven system of leadership. People must not die in case the above mentioned ideology is not met, neither should they starve to death. My point here is that, chasing an ideology could be equally dangerous. What will it profit one if they die seeking democracy or any form of governance.

Would one not rather live than die. What is the price tag for life? People must be carefully of political party leaders, who put themselves first, and not the people they lead. When leaders of any institution have their priorities wrong, there is bound to be chaos in the long run. A lot of differences are not really about ideas, but about power and personalities. Here is an example in the Bible. In a time of very bad famine two women appeared to the king Solomon.They related their stories about how they ate each others babies. This they claimed to have done in some kind of agreement as a meal . Both women claimed that the remaining baby is theirs and in those days there was neither DNA or CSI. So the King through his wisdom from God, ordered the baby to be brought forward. "I will cut the baby into pieces so that both women will take half each," he said.

Naturally the woman who was the really biological mother steped up, and demanded that she would rather let the baby live. The other insisted that the baby be cut. At that moment King Solomon knew who the real mother of the baby was . Anyone who has the burden and compassion about the people and the country ought to put them in front. Earlier this month I spoke about how the man Joshua Nkomo sacrificed his own dreams for the people he lead. He would even to play a nobody when was he somebody. Such spirit of leadership is rare these days. What makes talks fail because people have personal interests and hidden agendas.In the face of this calamity, all stake holders must need set their priorities right, especially those in leadership both in the government, opposition. The same goes for the pressure groups , chiefs , business community as well as an influential leaders of any kind.

This goes even to various tribes in the country.Tribalisms is is a taboo to talk about in Zimbabwe, yet like cancer its destroying the country. This I believe above all things was the major down fall of the nation. For a young country like Zimbabwe to nature and embrace tribalism is sad. Ndebele's needs must be the needs of the whole country. If people do not repent then we will still be in the same predicament, even when we can be out .

Ayikhulunywe lendaba madoda.

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