Monday, August 20, 2007

Moving the hand of God!

This is a follow up from the previous article ,"Calling on the name of the Lord". i gave an example of the government of our Lord; s day and the Government of the Lord himself. Two kinds of "governments" in their own rights. The prophet Isaiah made it clear that Jesus was to be a governor and his "rule shall be to no end". Point here is as much as we have a spiritual government we also have an earthly one. 'Ceasers". This is no way to undermine any spiritual warefare or understanding, hence the Bible says with" God all things are possible." Luke 1 v 36.

Human kind being a little bit clever and craft we tend to bypass the policies of the two so that we benefit in a way, Hence our lord Jesus told them to honor the local govt and also the spiritual one. They wanted him to disrespect the Roman govt in the name of God. He said declined. Most of the times we do things like that to benefit or to twist the hand of God or at least try. For example in case of great tragedy we tend to ask, "Where was God? By no means do I intend to limit the power of the Almighty. But we all know bad things have happened before both to the God and the bad. The measure of the calamity does not show the extent of ungodliness even though it may. I mean its not always a calibration scale for ones closeness to God. I might be wrong here but life, expirience and even the bible itself has proven it." Job."

The essence of the matter is that we proggramme God to our situations or circumstances. If things are going well, "God is on my side" If the weather is good good is on our side if it tends otherwise, "no he left us" After the infamous 911 incident here in the States People were questioning, "Where was God? No disrespect I was among them, but tragedies happens daily and we the righteous think its for the evil ones. Yes God protect us but for me I donot know the criterial he uses. I speak as a human being. God is above , his ways are not my ways neither are his thoughts or judgements. He answers to none other than himself. No one must miss understand me, I do have a personal relation ship with the Lord, and I am speaking about collective, general and non personal terms. For example nations. Some think God is more closer to them than others. For example most Americans think God is either American or closer to America.

The question here would be, "Can we move the hand of God? The answer would be Yes and No. He can allow us to move him. When he allows us to move him to change situations through either prayer or praise its still up to him and Amen. But we cannot change him on our own as man either through any of the above. He is God regardless of cicurmstances.

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