Tuesday, July 30, 2013

No love lost on President Mugabe's remarks on Matebeleland South people 's exodus to SA.

I had not yet got a chance to respond to President's remarks on Matabeleland South last week during of his campaign stop in Mashonaland. For starters his statements did not  surprise me at all. It only showed pattern of deep rooted tribal misunderstanding and hatred that this man  harbours. The man must be forgiven as he is getting desperate. Using the old tricks of divide and rule, something which did work when he used it back in 70s and 80s. Now that even his won 'sons" are opposing him. The old man has only one old  trick in his bag. Blame it on some minority. In 2000, whites were to blame. In 2008, the West was to blame. For all your record/s. Nobody has traveling the West more than him. Check the Gunnies book of record. In 1992 he only stayed in Zim for two weeks. Coming to South African issue, in all history of Zimbabwe and Rhodesia put together, people have migrated out of Zimbabwe more than any other time during his leadership. In short that is a reflection on his own leadership in retrospect. It no use getting mad at the old man. One would expect a man of his age to be behaving respectful and dignified but alas a leopard will not change its skin.

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