Friday, September 28, 2007

Give me a break!

Did anybody hear that his Excellence Cde R.G Mugabe cancelled his trip to Bulawayo on a last minute because security corncerns. Someone is not telling the truth somewhere, How can the President be concerned about his safety anywhere in Zimbabwe? No people are as harmless as Zimbabweans let alone people from Matabeleland and Bulawayo in particular. In the eighties we were searched and stripped to the bones. Zimbabwe's secret agents must leave the City of Kings in peace. We are so poor we cannot afford to buy tires for our old raleigh bicycles. Anytime one accusses the Matabele people of threatening the security of the country or worse still the President, is perpetual inflicting fresh pain to the old wounds. The children of the slain do not need to be victimised again like their fathers.

To label the peaceful Matabele as the enemies of the state in order to create false evidence to punish them is to be both cruel and devilish. Something is going on behind the scences and hence they are trying to divert the attention away. For record, the man President Mugabe can go anywhere in Bulawayo like he has done before . Few man on earth are as protected as he s if any. ZANU PF propagandist must stop using us as scape goats for any bad thing going on in their house. If Zimbabwe's president is protected far thousands of miles away from the country, (USA) how much more in Zimbabwe's soil. This might be their plan to victimise voters ahead for the next elections.

The President must have been embarrassed that Bulawayo has no water decades after his false promises to voters in Matabeleland. People are now reduced to destitutes because of his leadership.This is the reason why Bulawayo is an opposition stronghold. As a matter of the ruling party has never won in Mat region except only during the period of voter apathy in the 90s.

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