Sunday, September 9, 2007

The marriage of Church and Politics.

Church and State are like chicken and the egg, quite often we do know which came first. Most people believe that these are two different instituitions which do not need to be mixed together. While it is logical that the churched people make better leaders, it might not be so in the political arena. "You are the light of the world" the bible say. Let your light be seen to all. Rather let me put it this way, People do not know which place is corrupt the church or the state. By now someone is probably thinking I think "He has crossed the line," yes, possibly. My argument here would be, How do you get good leadership from a pool that has no good noone. Point here is the church should be seen outside the sacred buildings. A city on a hill cannot be hidden the scripture says.

Will I be mistaken to say that I am saying the Church is as Corrupt as their government? The church on its own is not complete without the government and neither is the government , both are accountable to God and man. However I may sound, the main problem here is the line betwen the church and state. I do not have problems with the offices here, but rather the people who are in the offices. Many times the the church has called for purity in the government and the govenment calling the same to the church. Who will guard the guard? We all demand acountability, yet noone thinks the other has a right to in each others affairs. One problem I do not have good examples of proper governance and vis versa. The messege here is the light shines even in darkness, so let us begin in the church, since we claim and believe that we are the light of the World (State) This does not make me an unbeliever in either instituitions, but most important are the vessels that are being used.

Before we point a finger let us examine ourselves to see if we measure up. For more on this click comment and post your opinions. Failure of the government to live up to its purpose cripples the church mission as well. The two are like hand and glove, there is need for communication between two instituitions. The church must infuse the community. The sweet aroma of the church must be felt all over the ends of the earth. The market place.

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