Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Serious jokes!

It said that a certain proud man would brag about his wife mostly in public especially after he was drunk. So one time while they were leaving the bar, his wife remained behind and the man yelled," Mother of four, let's go home" As usuall he would yell across the whole bar, and this time the wife could not take it anymore, She yelled back" Okay father of one Let's go home"

After a long drive a truck driver pulled to the Live entertainment Pub, She handed $500 to the lady at the reception. The receptionist said to him, Sir with this kind of money we can give you two our best ladies for a special. The truck driver replied, "Mum I do not care, I am just home sick. "

After the hurricane Katrina United States suffered a lot of damage and loss of life. And you know USA was desperate when Cuba and Venezuela offered to help.

A Pastor spotted a deacon in the front row sleeping during a sermon, Tell us why are you sleeping while I am preaching?, the Pastor asked."You know I trust you pastor, if i didn't I wouldn't be sleeping " replied the deacon.

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